Friday, April 16, 2010

Social Bookmarking (Delicious) - NETS-T 1,2,3,4

Bookmark important sites using Delicious

#1 The primary sources found in the Archives helps put to rest many disputes about accuracy. For instance, many people still question the validity of the state of Israel. By using the national archive I was able to find the history and proof that Israel was indeed recognized by the United Nations. under the bookmark 'Recognition of the State of Israel', I saw the original letter Harry S. Truman sign that recognized the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new state of Israel in Israel in Palestine.

#2 NEA- Acheivement Gap describes the difference of test scores between variying groups of students. Studies have shown that certain groups are at risk; mainly minority and low income groups of students usually lag behind White and Asian students. Similarily, young boys fall behind young girls, and High School girls fall behind High School boys.

Networking with other schools fits my style of teaching. I like to be involved with community activities that promote culture, education, and that bring people together. For example, all schools in a community could organize bilingual scrabble tournaments.

I like the idea of using “natural helpers” as well as “experts” to build a network of knowledge about the communities’ culture, language, ethnicity and other related information. This knowledge could help in designing my curriculum, help in how to relate information to students and parents, and help in understanding my students and what they are facing.

Networking with parents also fits my teaching style. Teaming with parents, faith-based organizations, minority and majority community, and family members to design and implement programs that bridge the diverse groups in the community would be fun and rewarding. Organizing a monthly meeting with parents, where perhaps an attractive program would be developed that would offer kids a safe and fun place to place age appropriate games.

#3 I was glad to learn that I am a Cyber Saint, scoring a zero in the “Are You a Cyberbully?” quiz.

IN the Offsite Internet activities and schools article it was apparent that proving whether cyberbullying occurred at school or off campus is a tricky thing to prove; and the onus of proof is on the school. Knowing that, I would have a discussion with my students on Cyberbullying. I would have them identify all possible areas of Cyberbullying. Then I would solicit ways that Cyberbullying could be monitored, they could very well know how to provide the proof necessary for disciplinary action should an offence occur. I would also have the student discussion cover Instant messaging. Students should be given clear guidelines of when to use IM, what to communicate in an IM, and what the consequences can result when inappropriate IM are sent.

#4 Under the Subject Access area on Kathy Schrocks’s web site I found the Mathematics link very interesting. I was familiar with many of the web sites suggested for math and even had some of them already bookmarked. I will use this site as resource to find a variety of examples and approaches to help my students better understand a mathematical construct. I will also encourage students to use this site when doing their homework; almost like they would use a tutor.

I also was comforted to have available Kathy’s “Teacher Helpers”. It is encouraging to have a head start when creating a slide show or presentation. These areas were places I focused on because I will no doubt be utilizing them. This site will save me time because the outline of my presentations or slide shows will be in place. All I would have to do is tweak the content parts, which will be a better use of my time.

#5 My top intelligence are
  • Naturalistic at 67
  • Intrapersonal at 63%
  • Musical and Logical-Mathematics at 56%
The Movie Multiple Intelligence Thrives in Smartsville emphasized that kids should not be judged as smart they are but how are they smart. The movie showed how the young students all learn differently at different tasks. Students were tested regularly to see how they are developing in their individual intelligences. After watching the part about the kid acting out adult roles in the work place, I learned that kids naturally take on different roles depending upon their learning intelligences. I also believe that the will of an individual can overcome any deficiency in an intelligence category to learn a desired skill.

#6 Level: Grades 9 to 12 - Subject: Math and Technology
I would use the Creating a Unit on Air Quality lesson to teach my students that through cooperative learning, required math standards (Bar Graphs, Box Plots and Stem and Leaf Plots, Two Variable Data – correlations) can be used to solve relevant world issues. I would start the lesson with an open discussion on air quality and the effects on health. After an interest has developed, I would split them into group, and go over the objective of the lesson, which is to find the city with the worst air quality. Next I would outline each day’s activities to accomplish the goal. For each day’s activity I would work in the math lesson necessary to complete the activity.

The following two questions I found interesting were:
  • Compared with White women, how likely are African American women in the U.S. to die during childbirth due to a lack of access to prenatal care, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality? This question made me curios as to whether or not the autopsy claimed the cause of death was due to a lack of parental care. I guess I would like to know what care White women are receiving that African American women are not receiving. Then I would like to know why our government would allow such an injustice, where one group is provided with a service and another is denied.
  • According to a study by the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, what percentage of physicians report witnessing a colleague giving reduced care or refusing care to lesbian, gay, or bisexual patients? This worries me because I assumed doctors were working under some guidelines where they never turn away any citizen (legal or not).
#8 Teachers should teach students about Netiquette to their own good and the good of the community. Collaborating might be a used in many classrooms; therefore, students will need to have good Netiquette or risk undesired conflicts. It is also important that teachers prepare students for the workforce, where the internet is the proffered mode for communicating. IOHO

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